Friday, December 24, 2010

I Don't Want To Clean On Christmas Eve

But family is coming tomorrow and it's expected. I clean all the time, but the house is always a mess. It's Christmas, so I won't be catty and name names.

I haven't written in a while (again). This is mostly due to the fact that my computer is dying. My desktop already died; now the used laptop my friend Brad gave me to get me by until I can get a new one is going through a slow, painful demise. But thank you, Brad, for sans this dying laptop, I'd have nada.

So, 2010. My best friend changed personalities and decided she would judge everything I had ever done in my life she did not approve of and send me an e-mail telling me all about it.  Turns out it's a lot of stuff and we're not friends anymore. The knife in my back is still twisting, but I am almost ready to yank it out. 

The boy I love hasn't spoken to me since early September. I need to find someone else to love. This won't go away 'til I do. I just wish he would stop invading my dreams.

I had a cast on my right foot for about  half the year due to a diabetic wound. Hopefully 2011 will be cast free.

I need to go change the kitty litter now.

Thank You, Gallo

Gosh, I haven't attended to this blog in quite a while.I've looked it over and there are some very silly posts on here. Lots of sel...