1. I really like pink.
2. I collect Hello Kitty stuff.
3. I like to watch moronic TV, like Teen Mom and The Secret Life of The American Teenager. I have also recently started watching "What's In My Bag" videos on You Tube.
4. I sing to my cat.
5. My daughter is my best friend.
6. I love Seinfeld. Lindsay and I quote it all the time and no one knows what the heck we're talking about.
7. In 3rd grade PE class during a game of Brownies and Fairies, I ran into a wall and broke my arm because I turned around while running to see if I was about to be tagged.
8. I can't remember how many schools I have attended. My Mom dragged me all over the place. To name a few: The Shenandoah Valley in Virginia; Blacksburg, VA (where I broke my arm); Birmingham, AL; Gulf Shores, AL; Oakland, MD; Fredericksburg, VA; Greensboro, NC...too many to list, really.
9. I went to boarding school for one night at age 16. I cried for my Mom all night and left the next day.
10. My parents divorced when I was 3 and I still can't believe they were ever even married. My Mom is a sunny, sweet, optimistic person, and my Dad....isn't.
11. I am a Vegetarian and a wannabe Vegan.
12. When I was born, I was 23 inches long and almost 10 pounds. My Mom is 5'5".
13. I have been coloring my hair since the 9th grade, and I'm not totally sure what color it truly is naturally.
14. I never knew what love really was until I gave birth to my daughter.
15. To me, a 'good, stiff drink' is a Pepsi will full sugar and caffeine.
16. I used to fall in love pretty easily, but now my list of "must-haves" in a man is pretty long and specific. I will publish that list at another time.
17. I lost my virginity at age 19 to a guy named Pat on St. Patrick's Day.
18. I haven't flown since 9/11. It hasn't been an intentional thing, I just never get to go anywhere.
19. I am a registered Republican.
20. I like going to the movies by myself.
21. I have insomnia.
22. I breastfed my daughter for 16-18 months. I am a big advocate of breast-feeding and am completely horrified by women who don't do it.
23. My first kiss was at age 14.
24. I speak some French and would like to become fluent.
25. My paternal Grandmother was a WW2 war bride from England. She came to the States in her early 20's and kept her British accent until she died around age 85.
26. Losing my (maternal) Grandfather, "Papa," when I was in the 5th grade is the biggest loss of my life thus far.
27. I do not use products that are tested on animals.
28. I have loved Rick Springfield since I was 11 years old. I got to meet him when I was 34.
29. Good, well-written music can make me cry.
30. I used to get crushes on my college professors. I am really turned on by intelligence. My dating history doesn't fully represent this.
31. I broke my ankle when I was 28 by stepping in a hole in the backyard.
32. I used to bring my daughter Lindsay with me to class at UNCG when I didn't have anyone to watch her. Everyone, including the profs, thought she was the cutest.
33. I wrote my first short story when I was in the 2nd grade. I wrote about my best friend Kim and me running a detective agency.
34. I have major OCD, but Paxil put the kibosh on it.
35. I am almost six feet tall.
36. I wish I were closer with my brother.
37. I love office supplies.
38. I prefer rain to sun.
39. I want to go to Europe. I wouldn't mind not coming back.
40. I like Ovaltine.
41. I wore braces as a teenager and I would take off my headgear during the night and throw it on the floor.
42. I have a stuffed lamb ("Lambchops") that I have slept with since I was 5.
43. I live in the South, but I hate the accents, the rednecks, the hot weather, and the tanning. If I had the means, I would live in New England. Or Europe.
44. I am told my best features are my eyes, my mouth, and my legs. My Mom likes my nose for some reason.
45. I can be friends with ex-boyfriends. Very few want to be my friend, however.
46. I am very intense. I feel everything 100x more than the average person. My pleasure is intensified just as much as my pain, so that's the good thing.
47. Growing up, I didn't like being tall because I didn't like standing out. Now, I think it's pretty darn cool.
48. My greatest wish is for my daughter to always be happy and healthy.
49. I hate when people discuss how much things cost.
50. I judge people by their use or non-use of correct grammar.
51. I hate smoking. I am glad it's finally illegal to smoke in restaurants, but I want it taken a step further - I want it outlawed altogether.
52. I rarely, if ever, drink alcohol.
53. I was baptised in my (maternal) Grandparent's church in Collinsville, VA when I was 34. I feel every person should come to this decision on his own, and not just based on the urging of his parents.
54. I giggle when I'm nervous.
55. I have a big mouth and don't know when to hold back sometimes. I say everything that is on my mind out loud. It gets me in trouble quite often.
56. The movie "Into The Wild" is my favorite movie of all time. It changed my life.
57. I sleep with a fan running to drown out noise.
58. I love animals more than most people.
59. If I am cold, I would rather snuggle in a blanket than cut the air conditioning down.
Musings Of Life With Chronic Pain and Those Little Moments of Happiness In Between
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
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