This is not about my simply siding with a particular party. I know and accept that people have different views on what our taxes should be spent on and there are social issues that people have every right to form their own opinions about, such as gay marriage, etc. I believe those issues should be left up to the States and the Federal government should stay out of it. This is what makes America great - the right to form your own opinions and live where these opinions are shared. It is also a person's right to choose how much education he receives to assure he will be successful in life. We live in a free enterprise society (albeit perhaps not for much longer) and hard work and determination will make you successful. You shouldn't be 'punished' because you are successful. Your own success should be celebrated how you and your family choose. People can celebrate by living well and can share their success with those less fortunate, but it shouldn't be a requirement.
I won't say too much about the mess Obama has gotten this country into, because people are already aware of that. For some reason, they ignored all of that and sill voted for the guy. More than his obvious screw-ups. what scares me the most is how little we know about this guy. I am not someone who believes everything she reads, but there is enough evidence out there to suggest Obama is not who he says he is, and that he is not out to better this country. I think he would be better suited to be in the entertainment industry as an actor or maybe a singer. The guy wants to be a Rock Star. He wants to be in the public eye. He wants to live in a nice house. I don't think he has a clue what the hell he is doing and is flying by the seat of his pants. I am so embarrassed for our country when I see him dancing on the Ellen show and chatting up celebrities. He and his wife have no knowledge of protocol when it comes to meeting foreign leaders. He changes his mind on issues depending on what he thinks people want to hear. He was against gay marriage, then he said he was fine with it, and now that he has been re-elected he says it should be left up to the States. I could go on and on with the specifics, but the bottom line is, I don't trust this man. I don't believe a word he says. I can't stand his voice. I hate the way he walks. Most of all, I am scared. It frightens me to think of the world my daughter will be living in. Things pop in my mind, like, lining up for gas and food rationing.
After the election, I told myself I wasn't going to watch the news anymore. I want to be ignorant. I don't want to know what this man is doing to us and I want to just stay in my little bubble with my family. I know this frame of mind won't last, though, because I am the type of person who likes to stay informed.
I don't care what color Obama is. I am getting sick and tired of his race being brought up every time I take issue with him. I do believe his race enabled him to win his first term, but that is an observation, not a criticism. Mitt Romney would have been the best President since Ronald Reagan. I like Mitt so much as a person. I believe what he says. I trust him. I like the things he has done with his life and the love he has for his wife and family. Speaking of which, Ann Romney is just about the classiest woman on the planet. I would have been so proud to have her be our First Lady. Michelle Obama just uses her position to take lavish vacations and bill expensive lingerie to the tax payers. Mitt Romney cares about people and is so smart about business. I hope I get to meet him some day. It would be such an honor.